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Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2015 20:44:11 +0100
Subject: VCOC European Accident Statement






This information has been posted today on Facebook by the police



"Parte Amistoso" ???


We call "Parte Amistoso", "The European Accident Statement". It is the official document you have to use if you have a traffic accident and no one was injured.


Ask your insurance company for a copy. It is free and they have to give you one to take always in your car together with the logbook of the car.


On their Facebook page are examples of the document in 2 languages, the photos can help you to understand better what you have to fill in . In the last photo you have all the instructions you need to follow.


If you do not have one in your car, or you have it in Spanish, please click here to download in English:…/uploa…/2013/03/Accident-report-new.pdf


Remember that when you have an accident you have 7 days to report to your insurance company.


(Read this in more detail or for  other new traffic matters go to Facebook Page: "N332", please share this information.)




Best wishes



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